搜索 Yade

  • Un hombre, Martín Alcorta, que busca a su hermano perdido desde hace una decena de años, se encuentra en su camino con una mujer enigmática que, al hilo de ciertos avatares desconcertantes, decide seguirle y después de imponer su presenci…
  • This film, the first version of the Juan Moreira story by Eduardo Gutiérrez (second filmed in 1973), exist. But it is not going to show up anywhere and neither Kino, Image, Milestone or anyone of those companies would ever bother to make i…
  • 恐怖片歌舞
    乔克(Sura Theerakon 饰)、阿凯(Warot Pitakanonda 饰)、穆德(Phoomjai Tangsanga 饰)、小凯(Chaleumpol Tikumpornteerawong 饰)和乔恩(Yarichada Wattanawongsri 饰)是一伙终日无所事事,干着不法行当的小混混。某天他们打劫一家银行,在躲避警察追捕时不慎闯入一家商店,他们绑架年轻的赛车手阿陶(Kett Thantup 饰)…
  • The Ceddo try to preserve their traditional African culture against the onslaught of Islam, Christianity, and the slave trade. When King Demba War sides with the Muslims, the Ceddo kidnap his daughter, Princess Dior Yacine, to protest their forcible conversion to Islam. After trying to rescue the princess, various heir…
  • Invocation: Maya Deren -a documentary about the American avant-garde filmmaker of 1940s/50s. Narrated by Helen Mirren, this is the story of a brief but remarkable life, and of a seminal body of cinematic work which has influenced and formed the beginning and subsequent direction of American independent and artists’ fil…
  • 喜剧片喜剧
  • 拳击手大卫•科登(Jamie Smith 饰)独自住在一间简陋的公寓出租房内,窗户对面住着一个美丽的舞女格萝蕾拉(Irene Kane 饰),大卫渐渐为之所吸引。某晚大卫比赛归来,突然发现格萝蕾拉正要被人强暴,他冲进去拯救了心上人。原来强暴者是格萝蕾拉所在夜总会的老板(Frank Silvera 饰),为了生计不得不忍辱负重。两个失意之人情谊相合,遂约定…