- Starting with the screening of O Mandarim in 1996, Júlio Bressane became a regular at IFFR — one of its patron saints, one could even say, as many of his films were selected for later editions. In 2000, the festival honoured the cinema mar…
- 少年海洋学校学生千浪和燕子在一次驾船航行中遭遇龙卷风。坠海时他们发现一个青花瓷笔洗,透过笔洗中的雨水,千浪和燕子看到一支装载27000人且装备精良的船队,率领这支船队的正是七下西洋的明朝航海家——郑和。千浪和燕子借助青花笔洗穿越时空,见证了郑和航海过程中的一段段惊险的历程……
- 11岁的小男孩托比是一个狂热的小发明家。一天,他遇见了正在寻找父母的机器人罗比,原来罗比一家的飞船遭遇了事故,罗比不幸和家人失散了,于是托比决心施以援手,两人成为了好朋友。为了方便搜寻,他们发明了一个既能航行,又能浮在水上,还能在路上行驶的飞行器——奇幻冒险者。然而心怀不轨的约书亚连同他的伙计紧随其后,想利用罗比和奇幻冒…
- Every year, 310 killings in France go unsolved, leaving the victims' crushed families in a state of endless grief. The French judicial system is implacable: there's no money to continue investigating cases that lead nowhere. Hunting down murderers to help bereaved families get justice is more than just a job, i…