搜索 Yasodha

  • 青梅竹马瑟莱丝与查迈之间的友谊,在已届适婚年龄的瑟莱丝心中悄悄地化为爱情。但是这关系却在外来者纳林加入后,三人之间情感产生了变化。多年后,三人再度相遇,彼此爱的习题逐渐浮上台面。在这个法律明定同性性行为须受严惩的国家,纸包不住火的秘密终要曝光……。本片是斯里兰卡首部描绘同性之爱的电影,申扬同性间相爱的权利。Sarasi is…
  • Two lovers, Yoga and Parvathi, meet on the battlefield of the Sri Lankan civil war. As the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam attack the Sri Lankan army and tighten their grip on the Tamil people, Yoga and Parvathi struggle with feelings for each other and their own commitments to the LTTE. Parvathi's family is relocated…