- 1941. October. There are thousands of German troops advancing on Kalinin , to open a direct route to Moscow. There are only two thousand people defending the city. No tanks. No artillery. Their only hope to hold o the enemy – is the fth Infantry Division, that is about to go through the Kalinin station. But there are s…
- 苏联音乐诙谐剧《别特罗与瓦谢金奇遇记》,老实巴交的别特罗暗恋上班长、漂亮的玛莎.司卡黛娃,于是好朋友瓦谢金为朋友两肋插刀,模仿莎士比亚《驯悍记》里的情节“驯”玛莎,结果让课间餐的牛奶和列巴噎的直翻白眼,自讨没趣;小伙伴们去看电影,到了紧张时刻,别特罗与瓦谢金进入了影片,用弹弓帮助红军叔叔教训匪徒,没想到穷凶极恶的匪徒放…