搜索 Yeh

  • ◎ 简  介:   纪录片极少能入围《电影手册》的十佳,但这一部从内容到表现手法却是真正的震撼人心。   影片讲述了一个犹太人红军上尉组织集中营的犯人反抗德国士兵的事件,那是纳粹集中营里唯一一次成功的暴动,片名是那次暴动的时间地点。这部电影基本由导演与当事人耶华达·雷纳之间的访谈对话组成,当影片结束时导演报出所有被送到索…
  • 恐怖片恐怖
    1974年,牛津大学教授约瑟夫·考普兰德(杰瑞德·哈里斯 Jared Harris 饰)坚信世间存在着用现有科学无法解释的超自然现象,为了证明自己的观点,他集结了布莱恩(山姆·克拉弗林 Sam Claflin 饰)、哈利(Rory Fleck-Byrne 饰)、克莉丝(艾琳·理查兹 Erin Richards 饰)等三名年轻人组成实验小组,对少女简·哈珀(奥利维亚·库克 Oliv…
  • 喜剧片生活
  • A man grew up in a village and he went to the metropolis; he impressed by the manifestations of modernity and the people of the metropolis take advantage by his naivety. The master scenes : First when Shukry Sarhan rescued Faten Hamama on the train bar. - Also the scenes that depicted the flood of the Nile, also the sc…
  • 橙樹收成的季節,頭披黑紗的雅班要將男尊女卑的觀念也連根拔起。為取得德黑蘭果園採摘香橙的合約,她不惜以房屋抵押,強硬姿態令男對手怒火中燒。香橙閃閃發亮,她的計劃卻枝節橫生:被欠薪女工威脅罷工,貯存倉被爆竊洗劫,甚至丈夫亦離家出走,剩下她獨自收拾殘局,在困頓中不畏艱難前進。法哈迪《歲末煙火》(38 屆)著名女星海迪耶德蘭妮以…
  • 李炳離奇墮樓死亡, 警探何幹對炳昔日行劫夥伴杜子駒成見甚深, 認定是駒所為. 幹訪駒, 令駒妻燕卿忐忑不安. 駒誓言已洗心革臉, 不忿遭幹查問 ; 終因他的調查, 被任職的紗廠辭退. 駒兄子龍與以林維紀為首的匪幫為伍, 紀設局引駒墮入圈套, 又與龍力勸駒重出江湖, 駒斷然拒絕. 生活拮据, 卿瞞著駒到舞廳伴舞, 龍見到後告知駒, 駒盛怒之下, 把心…
  • 喜剧片
  • In Iran, since the 1979 Islamic revolution, women are no longer allowed to sing in public as soloists - at least in front of men. Defying censorship and taboos, the young composer Sara Najafi is determined to organize an official concert for solo female singers. In order to support their fight, Sara and her friends inv…
  • 妈咪一家亲
    以色列HOT3频道同志新剧“אמא ואבאז”,是由“我的军中情人”(יוסי וג'אגר,Yossi & Jagger)、“直到婚姻时”(עד החתונה,YES Stars Israeli频道剧集,共两季,OAC也曾译制)等剧本的著名编剧אבנר ברנהיימר(Avner Bernheimer)所编。本剧讲述两名男同与一名直女共孕一儿,渐受传统观念和各种条框所牵引…
  • An adaptation of a popular Israeli stage musical. Kazablan is an army veteran turned gang leader in the Israeli port of Jaffa who masks his feelings of bitterness with a lot of bravado. He's sweet on Rachel, a young woman who lives with her father and stepmother. The budding relationship scandalizes the neighbors (not …