- Despite his worldwide fanbase, Nujabes' story remains shrouded in mystery until now! After a meticulous 14-year journey, this 2-hour documentary offers a rare glimpse into the life of a musical genius, shedding light on his enigmatic persona and profound musical journey, making it a must-watch for music enthusiasts wor…
- 为了替父亲报仇,化身特工029加入神秘组织布撒巴。在接受训练期间,029与另一位女特工擦出了爱情的火花。在通过一系列考验后,029正式成为布撒巴的一员,执行一系列任务,殊不知这背后隐藏着更大的阴谋....@微博 亿万同人亚译联盟
- In the summer of 1996, college students tried to hold a pan-national rally Unification Festival at Yonsei University, fiercely confronts the government. After 20 years, a video from that time was posted online, urging mixed reactions of retrospect, reflection, shock, and criticism. This film records the student society…
- [《Sugar Man 3》确定于11月29日首播]6日,据多家媒体报道,JTBC音乐秀《Sugar Man 3》将于韩国时间11月29日晚9时首播。该节目经历了第一季和第二季,足足召唤了124组回忆中的歌手,播放收视率最高达到6.3%,获得了大众的喜爱。第三季将与以往不同,播出时间改在韩国时间每周五晚9时,为了配合火热般的周五将带来升级版的趣味性节目。制作组表示…
- Up North explores love, friendship, and family politics, all of which collide, when a young rebellious heir from a wealthy family is sent away to National Service in Northern Nigeria. Things don't quite go according to plan as the spoiled heir begins to find himself, creating memories to last a lifetime.