搜索 Zamfirescu

  • Iacob lives in a small village in the Carpathian Mountains near a gold mine and tries to survive.
  • 罗曼警长和米克洛万接受不同的教育,虽然二者都想制止猖獗的犯罪活动,但行事方式却大不相同。当他们相互理解对方后联手与犯罪团伙展开殊死斗争...1945年4月,饱尝战争苦难的罗马尼亚又面临盗匪横行的摧残。罗曼警长抓到歹徒帕斯库,从中得知土匪头目布丘尔利格在旅管和一个姑娘幽会。罗曼和助手迅速前往,布丘尔利格当场送命,罗曼警长决心将歹…
  • 喜剧片
    Near by Christmas, in an old and charming town in Transylvania, Sebastian and Aprilia start a beautiful love story. However, nothing is as simple as it would seem. Being influenced by three men with strong personalities, Aprilia needs to find the balance between adulthood and the choices of a young girl's heart. It's C…