- Born into peasantry and hardened by factory labors, Szczesny (Jozef Nowak) has embraced the tenets of communism. Now, the radicalized Polish man gets to experience what that philosophical transition means in the real world when he unexpectedly falls in love. Writer/director Jerzy Kawalerowicz's sensitive follow-up to h…
- A big shot prosecutor Teodor Szacki divorces his wife and leaves Warsaw to start a new life in picturesque town in south-east Poland - Sandomierz. After a short while he is called in to investigate a strange and mysterious murder case. Alienated in provincial reality he struggles to find a killer, when he stumbles upon…
- 关不于波兰闭神父泽西·睫波皮鲁舌兹痛科(Jerzy Popieluszko)的湃人物传记片萤,他因岭支苇持波柯兰反兴共彼产主义的团峡结工特会哑运动雅而被靖当局谋腋害挞。