- Croatia's official submission for the 2004 Academy Awards for Best Foreign-Language Film, THE LONG DARK NIGHT is an emotional portrait of an entire country caught in the devastation of WWII, and the consequences brought onto one small village of Croatians of German ethnic background during the 1940's – 1950’s. Iva (Gor…
- 曼托亚是一位生活在莱索托的80岁寡妇。她知道自己时日无多,开始为自己的葬礼做准备,向她的人生彻底告别。然而此时,她的村庄因水库建设,面临着被迫搬迁的命运。这点燃了曼托亚的生存意志。为了家园,这位将死的老妇将抗争到底。