搜索 Zivojin

  • 前警察博基和巴伊科来到贝尔格莱德开了家私人侦探所,一个银行家请他们在自己出差时看护他的妻子玛丽察。其实银行家不是出差,而是监守自盗,打劫银行里的钱。玛丽察也非善类,他要黑吃黑,于是利用两个侦探寻找丈夫藏钱的地方。两个侦探看出了苗头,打算浑水摸鱼弄笔钱去芝加哥。每个人都以为别人是蝉和螳螂,自己是黄雀,而到头来,钱却到了别…
  • 帕夫洛维奇是南斯拉夫黑浪潮电影的领导者,前南影坛最重要的电影大师之一,此片是他第二部作品,他早期的一些实验短片大多已经看不到了,这应该是仅存的几部之一吧,片头文字提醒观众“本片的声音部分已遗失”,所以我们能看到的只有几分钟的黑白影像。故事比较抽象,一个女人匆匆来到一座破旧的乡村楼房前,她敲着门却无人响应,当她快要绝望时…
  • 改编自安东尼耶·伊沙科维奇的小说《蕨与火》。故事一:1941年4月,德军突袭,人们在塞尔维亚的火车站等待着,但火车一直没来。一个无辜者将被枪杀,米洛斯也无力救助。故事二:米洛斯被党卫军包围,他找到了弹药,又冷又饿又孤独。在废弃的墓地,他遇到了一个因为受伤而被部队离弃的游击队员。故事三:1944年秋天,一群通敌者被带到一间村屋的…
  • 电影甫开场,一位性学博士向观众介绍各地关于性崇拜的传统……电话接线员伊莎贝拉(Eva Ras 饰)和好友露扎闲聊着关于男人的话题,轻薄的邮递员米卡百般纠缠二人但始终得不到伊莎贝拉的好感。卫生督察艾哈迈德(Slobodan Aligrudic 饰)出现在伊莎贝拉的生活中并得到了她的芳心。与此同时,伊莎贝拉的尸体在一处深水井中被打捞出来,尸检发现她…
  • 1941年德国占领欧洲最大的铅矿特雷普卡,这个矿为德国生产武器提供了重要的原料,在这个矿里,来自不同种族和地方的矿工开始了抗争。
  • The story of a Vojvodinian village decay during the great flood in 1947. About people, their destinies, sufferings, love and death.Producer: Neoplanta Film, Novi SadWriter: Miroslav AnticMusic: Zoran HristicCinematographer: Petar LatinovicProduction design: Slobodan RadovanovicCountry of origin: Jugoslavija, SrbijaFilm…
  • This conventional drama by Yugoslavian director Veljko Bulajic (Train Without a Timetable) is strictly for audiences with interests in work crews, industrial endeavors, and all the headaches that come with trying to finish a project on time. At issue is the construction of an enormous blast furnace. The director of the…
  • Bora Markovic is a railroad worker who suddenly decides that his life and work are boring, and he takes off for a walk on the wild side (filled with moments in seedy bars and cafés) that leads to a new friend named "Amigo" and a new female interest, but not to happiness or a worthwhile future. Although this f…
  • The son of outstanding worker, miner, after many years in France, returns to his childhood town. He meets a lady-singer and a young Bosnian man in train, who are going to work in his little town. Obsessed with dreams of easy life, with help of his childhood friend, he wants to sell his father's house and depart for Afr…
  • As part of the Ottoman Empire, sections of Yugoslavia were under Islamic Turkish rule until as late as the 19th century. Among the different flavors of belief practiced in Islam is a mystical variety known as Sufism, which has an offshoot group of followers known as Dervishes. Since people in the Balkans inherit their …