搜索 Zola

  • In her later years, the manager of the estate for Countess Di Bard defrauds her, and she is forced to live in the garret of her palace. She accepts her unfortunate situation, until the daughter of the Marquis, who occupies the palace, falls in love with a young engineer, whom the Countess claims is the lost son of her …
  • 迪亚里
  • 盛夏,米兰的富家公子朱利亚诺Giuliano(毛里齐奥·因泰兰迪饰)与他的妹妹诺拉Nora(泰达·乌鲁索拉饰)、女友巴巴拉Barbara(莉莉·卡拉蒂饰)以及他的好朋友达尼埃莱Daniele(胡安·卡洛斯·纳亚饰)来到西西里岛附近一个岛屿的别墅进行家庭式度假。虽然诺拉希望达尼埃莱诺拉能与她一道提前结束假期,但没有性经验也很害羞的达尼埃莱让诺拉徒…
  • A story as told by an aborted child who's now 14 years old, which involves his mother, three teenagers (two twin brothers and their cousin) that make a love triangle, the twins' father (an erotic journalist) and his new lover, a drug lord and his sidekicks, the drug lord's wife who doesn't know who's the father of her …
  • 黑白纪录片关于60年代初的巴西总统Joao Belchior Marques Goulart,别名“杨戈”,1964年他领导的左翼民主政府被右翼发动的军事政变而取代,从此巴西开始了十几年的独裁专政时期。The film depicts the life and career of Joao Belchior Marques Goulart, known as "Jango", a leade…
  • 黑白纪录片关于20年代巴西叛军领袖普雷斯特(1898 - 1990)的传奇人生,在当时他与巴西独裁政府斗争,被称为“希望骑士”。巴西著名作家Jorge Amado对他非常推崇,并在1942年为其写了一本同名传记。Brazil's history during the 20th Century serves as a background to Luiz Carlos Prestes's curiou…
  • 又是一部超经典超有趣的委内瑞拉黑色喜剧片,同样来自委国最知名的喜剧片导演Alfredo Anzola,还记得上次那部纯拉美爱情风味的《安妮塔怎么会去倒追马里奥呢?》(1986)吗?这个导演的作品片名取得都挺古怪的,很有意思!:)5 A chef is shot and killed in the kitchen of a restaurant. They put his body …
  • 忒有趣了。。。这是一部纯委内瑞拉风情的爱情喜剧,拉丁美洲。。。遥远的浪漫主义。5 Anita Camacho, ambitious maid, pretends to be the owner of the house where she works to make a rich man fall in love with her, to marry him and to finally stop being poor. The isl…