搜索 arthur

  • How do you start an investigation into chance? By a late journey. The narrator tells how the eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjalla stopped the plane he should have taken for Prague in 2010 from taking off. Meditating on the powerful images of the “Earth’s anger”, Kleinjan remembered another flight that never arr…
  • miscellaneousphotographssound clipsvideo clipsAuthor: gurdeepsian from United KingdomBasically what you get on this DVD is a 1 hour documentary on the classic 1994 album Definitely Maybe. The documentary is an analysis on each of the songs (including bonus track "sad song"), and they also talk about the journ…
  • 关于青春,关于爱。男主角是一个高中生,和普通男生那样,有一个漂亮的女朋友,喜欢摇滚乐,充满热情。所以他和几位同学组成了一个乐队,自己创作歌曲。某一天,班上转来了一位很帅的男同学(就是英格),男主角不知不觉被他吸引,自此陷入困惑当中,认为自己同时爱上了两个人(他女朋友和英格),而英格也爱上了他,此后发生了一连串事情......
  • 经历了一次可怕的悲剧之后,一个孤独的母女俩处理悲伤,发展出可怕的睡眠障碍,这变成了一个险恶的现实。
  • 根据澳大利亚早期著名诗人C.J. Dennis的《Songs of a Sentimental Bloke》改编,是澳国百年影史的最佳默片。网上有片段可在线观看:http://dl.filmaust.com.au/module/1187/THE SENTIMENTAL BLOKE is regarded by many as the greatest silent film that Australia has produced.Th…
  • Southern California 1897: While Dumas [Mark Bedell] is in the parlor cleaning his gun, his sister Roxanne [Kennedy Johnston] is in the bedroom being seduced by the lusty vampiress, Diana Ruthven [Glori-Anne Gilbert]. When Dumas finally puts down his gun and checks on Roxanne, he finds her bed empty. Suspecting that Rox…
  • 父母雇了一个女孩子,希望她可以帮助他们的儿子变“直”,然而谁知道,他们的儿子只是假装gay,希望这样可以更方便泡MM。
  • 《2001太空漫游》的花絮。开场居然是詹姆斯·卡梅隆主持,他提到“直到今天,《2001:太空漫游》仍是不朽的科幻片杰作,随着电影规模越来越大,它提醒我们,在壮观的特殊效果背后,构思仍是最重要的”。库布里克找了一堆科学界的专业顾问和技师来为这个片子做准备,连NASA造太空飞船的图纸都搞到了,好多被请来的人以为半年多拍摄工作就能搞定,…