搜索 bastien

  • 动画片
    多年來,導演始終無法從爺爺口中問出當年參加阿爾及利亞戰爭的經歷。他努力查找資料、試圖以創作重現、訪談阿爾及利亞婦女、向親 友探詢、做心理諮商⋯⋯。然而他是否真能承受真相?真相又是什麼?以兩種畫風呈現的現實與歷史想像,終於交會在同一個畫面。
  • 聚焦母女关系与当地国情变化,经营杂货铺养活全家的母亲,面对难解政治局势的女儿,家人们将给出各自的回答。
  • “原本应该是我去偷情,现在竟被他抢先了,这简直让人无法忍受!”面对一位多疑而善妒的伴侣,还有如此清奇的脑回路,剧本的走向简直无法预测。在法国剧作家乔治·费多(Georges Feydeau)创作于1907年的喜剧《真假桃花》中,妻子怀疑丈夫有了外遇,于是和闺蜜密谋上演一场“香饵钓金鳌”,但在一连串的误会和巧合之后,彻底变成了桃色旅馆里一…
  • The Zapruder filmmakersgroup tells the never-before-told story of Hercules in twelve vignettes. At petrol stations and roundabouts, in sports halls, sculpture storerooms and at music festivals, we encounter the Greek hero as a distant translation: performances by bodies and machines re-enact scenes from sword-and-sanda…
  • Homelessness, hunger and shame: poverty is rampant in the richest country in the world. Over 40 million people in the United States live below the poverty line, twice as many as it was fifty years ago. It can happen very quickly.Many people in the United States fall through the social safety net. In the structurally we…
  • 奥斯卡提名金牌制片人迪迪埃·布伦纳(《疯狂约会美丽都》《凯尔经的秘密》《艾特熊和赛娜鼠》)携手《神偷奶爸》动画工作室,共同带来宇宙最小号超级英雄的冒险故事!影片改编自博洛尼亚插画奖、比利时贝纳尔·维塞勒文学奖、美国插画家协会金奖获得者塞尔日·布洛克的经典童书作品,原著已译成10种语言和文字在多个国家出版,同名电视动画风靡…
  • The story unfolds around the year 1860. Louis, a photographer, convinces the general of the French Army to send him to Mexico to photograph the colonial war that is ravaging the country. Once he is there, nothing goes as planned. Never in the right place at the right time to see the battles, Louis can't snap a single p…
  • Arnaud, Axel, Johan et Breitling 是普罗旺斯埃克斯地区( Aix-en-Provence) 法学专业的大学生。Breitling 是个模范学生,Johan是个花花公子,为了能得个好成绩,不惜勾引女老师,Axel 行为莽撞,总招惹麻烦,Arnaud 则第三次遭遇留级,仍为大一学生。为了庆祝学年结束,也为了给Arnaud打气,四个好兄弟决定去参加狂欢舞会。于是一场惊…
  • Hafsia, Douce, Delphine and Charlotte are four young women who seek to overcome the limits that one would like to impose on them.