搜索 bastien

  • This is the story of an encounter. An encounter between a groupie and the rock star she has always worshipped, This is a story of fascination and despair. She has loved him for many years, idolized his every move, lived for his songs. He is a shell. Scarred, alcoholic and paranoid, ruined by success. They find each oth…
  • On the anniversary weekend of the death of a young women's husband, five girls head out to a cabin to help their friend move past her husband's death. As the party continues a dark secret begins to unravel and a hideous past crawls out to seek revenge.
  • Fourteen-year-old Leo leaves a psychiatric hospital following a short stay. Orphaned at a young age, writing is his only form of escape and he dreams of one day meeting his hero, Claude Lelouch. His friend Nino, who grew up in the same care home, eagerly awaits his return. The pair are inseparable, like brothers. Back …
  • 在以色列伯珊古城,人类逐渐蜕变成乌鸦,在城墙上徘徊鸣叫。面临迷惘和阴暗的未来,一位尚未变身的雕刻师决定为这个退化中的世界留下一丝文明的印迹……短片完美地结合了3D和2D,出自法国Supinfocom动画学院,由6位学生合作完成,包括中国学生王公瑾。
  • 两位美丽的女性游客在欧洲的时候发现自己的钱用完了。他们开始在一个神奇的城堡里工作,在那里男人们来实现他们的幻想。
  • 主演,由著名的恐怖片导演加文·迈克尔·布斯执导。当两个朋友在魔鬼之夜开万圣节乐趣的房子它是所有娱乐和游戏,直到他们的前女学生联谊会的姐妹们开始抵达。这六个姐妹被他们过去面对如夜旋转失控。
  • 2011年在法国TMC电视台首播以来,连续创下该台黄金时段最高收视率。   尼古拉是住在塞纳河边的摄影师。他的好友何塞和女友在塞纳河边经营着一个酒吧,另一个好友克里斯蒂安是个音乐人,但他写的歌总是不被市场认可,只能唱给女朋友听。有一天,他们平静的生活突然被打破了,尼古拉的前女友珍妮,大家都以为她在一次空难中去世了,而她却在几年…
  • Gaby owns a farm on which he raises lambs: Bouchard & Sons Farm. But he has no sons. Rather, he has two daughters that he raised like princesses and who live far away, in the big city. One day, the oldest asks him for some financial support so she doesn't end up losing her house. Gaby, for whom fatherhood has evolved t…
  • 他是一个微不足道的上班族,每天面对的是枯燥而烦闷的工作,以及霸凌欺侮员工的老板,终于,他被压抑的欲望铸造成邪恶的怪兽,高压酿造了人性的暴戾,内心的黑暗怪兽驯服了他!   本片走的是黑暗动漫的风格,压抑的题材使得整部作品基调非常灰暗,故事内涵晦涩而画面惊悚恐怖,创作者力图描绘出人性的扭曲,黑暗与丑陋,以及人心的黑暗面,诸…