- Over twenty years ago rival nations put aside political and cultural differences and came together in a demonstration of international co-operation to create something unique – The International Space Station. For the first time in history, driven by his innate impulse to explore, man had a permanently inhabited footho…
- 这部单集纪录片回顾了电影界最受追捧和极具开创性的作曲家汉斯·季默的人生旅程。在四十年光辉的职业生涯中,他重新定义了电影配乐,向新一代观众展现了管弦乐所演绎出的无与伦比的戏剧性。灵感涌现之时,汉斯·季默轻按几个和弦,就能为电影增添与众不同的氛围感,彰显角色的性格特征。片中重温了汉斯·季默一些最受欢迎的标志性电影音乐作品,…
- Black holes stand at the limit of what we can know. To explore that edge of knowledge, the Event Horizon Telescope links observatories across the world to simulate an earth-sized instrument. With this tool the team pursues the first-ever picture of a black hole, resulting in an image seen by billions of people in April…
- 主人公Krod Mandoon(Sean Maguire)是铁匠和家庭主妇的儿子,脸皮薄,没自信,但他却是传说中能够「实现宿命」的「英雄」。Mecocian帝国及其邪恶执政官Dongalor(Matt Lucas,一出来就让人想笑的那种演员)施行暴政,鱼肉百姓,甚至打算释放终极毁灭武器「Eye of Gulga Grymna」,人们需要一个人站出来为他们重获自由而战--Krod「稀里…