- In the mid-1990s, news broke that poet Dario Bellezza - who was friends with Sandro Penna, Alberto Moravia, Elsa Morante, Anna Maria Ortese, and Pier Paolo Pasolini - had AIDS: this was the beginning of the end for him. Today, friends, poets and literary critics tell the story of the first openly gay writer of Italian …
- 第六届平遥国际电影展于2023年1月14日-19日在平遥古城举行。本届电影展以“平遥密码CODE≠COLD”为主题,号召大家来到平遥,传递热量,温暖迎春。 本届电影展产业板块,16个剧本项目、12个制作中的电影项目以及18部具有影视改编潜力的文学作品分别入围“平遥创投”“发展中电影计划”和“迁徙计划·从文学到影视”三个产业单元。 入围影片及…