搜索 song

  • The Secrets of Hillsong
    Exploring one of America's most successful megachurches and the investigative reporting that lead to the dismissal of two prominent pastors.
  • Rowdy Girl
    At Rowdy Girl Sanctuary, the animals—cows, goats, pigs and even Sealy, the resident turkey—have names because Renee King-Sonnen, a former Texas cattle rancher, has committed her life to a new way of being with farm animals. Feisty, charism…
  • 海外剧悬疑
  • 寻求之路
  • Insert Song
    A single-note score indicates the open and horizontal structure of Kamil Dossar’s abstract audiovisual arrangement of image, sound, objects and bodies. Every film festival should have an award for the most abstract love film of the year (…
  • 剧情片
    When her husband has a mental breakdown and goes missing, a woman and her young son set out to find him on the streets, sparking a movement that inspires a city.
  • Jörgen Hyltes svåger
    Company lingo and middle-aged, middle-class comfort as Jens Bejemyr is introduced to colleagues at a new job. A simultaneously humorous and sharp observation of a world free of conflict, where the dialog chugs along without aim. 源自:program.goteborgfilmfestival.se/en/program/container-scanning
  • 海外剧剧情
    CHANGE2561制作 泰国原创小说改编
  • 海外剧剧情
    改编自Frances Hardinge的同名小说,描述一对互相仇视的姊妹——其中一人是人类、另一位则是怪物——她们必须齐心协力,反转一件失控的超自然契约,并借以修复其悲痛欲绝的家庭。
  • 剧情片历史
    邵阳县是一方红色热土,走出了一批又一批的革命先辈和仁人志士,书写了光辉灿烂的红色故事,塘田战时讲学院就是其中最具典型性的一段历史。1938年,日寇越过长江后,战火逼近湖南。当代马克思主义史学家吕振羽受中共湖南省委指派,回到家乡邵阳县塘田创办了塘田战时讲学院,旨在培训基层抗日骨干力量,为抗日战争的胜利作出了重大贡献。 电影《…