- A journalist returns home after the mysterious death of her father and discovers a mysterious cassette tape describing mysterious lights in West Texas. She mysteriously sets out to discover the mysterious truth.
- A rock musician and a free-spirited woman start an intense relationship which soon spirals into a world of drug addiction and crime.
- 乘风破浪潮头立,扬帆起航正当时。总台2022扬帆远航大湾区节目单惊喜上线!国乐与交响乐融合而成“竞先”组曲,总导演精心填词奏响《和韵》之声,承载歌声和回忆的乐游巴士穿梭街头,活力十足的《大湾区协奏曲》拉满新年氛围......各色节目,亮点十足,精彩不断!这场精彩绝伦的音乐会将用动人的歌声、温暖的故事,书写时代的旋律,描绘大湾区的…