- 太宰治與蜷川實花的組合,一字記之曰:色。蜷川並不服膺於太宰治半自傳小說《人間失格》的隔靴搔癢,借書之名直接拍他本人和三個女人的故事。太宰治的妻子美知子、有志成為作家的情人靜子和他最後一位情人富榮,分別由演技派女優宮澤理惠、澤尻英龍華和二階堂富美飾演,襯托著蜷川分別為三女精心設計的主題色調,色彩濃烈絢麗的畫面是一場流動的…
- A mesmerizing anthology of stories set in Five Cities during the Covid Lockdown. Four voices of female escorts and one pimp express themselves through their experiences and responses to human interaction during the Pandemic. In New York, Tracy meets her psychiatrist who she has been seeing for five years. A young woman…
- In our family, the women are always responsible for cooking rice. The women are always near the kitchen thinking about what food to cook. But in this video, the women are people who do performances with rice or in connection with rice. 源自:www.kasselerdokfest.de/en/screenings/s-a21a4044-61fd-43d0-81d7-e06dfe9743ec
- After getting married, director Emilce Quevedo Díaz decides to turn the camera on three generations of women in her family when they gather to take care of her grandmother Sixta, who lives in a remote village in the Colombian countryside a…
- 女演员佩帕(卡门·莫拉 Carmen Maura 饰)得知自己怀有身孕,但是她的喜悦并未持续多久,因为她的情人伊万(Fernando Guillén 饰)突然失踪。佩帕想尽办法联系伊万,但最终一无所获,这令她歇斯底里,痛苦难耐。而就在这时,伊万的老婆露西娅(Juliet a Serrano 饰)又找上门来大找麻烦。不久,佩帕的好友坎德拉(María Barranc…