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  • 希尔维娅从布加勒斯特农学院毕业,她不想去农村当农艺师,一心想留在首都工作,想通过“形式”上的结婚来搞到一张布加勒斯特的居民证。干是希尔维娅和女友埃尔维拉商量,如果有哪个持布加勒斯特居民证的小伙子愿和她假结婚,她情愿付给他一万列依。出租汽车司机拉杜毛遂自荐,答应扮演这个角色。因为他驾车出了事故,被罚了款,正需要这笔钱。于…
  • Dumb Type is a group of artists from various fields such as dance, music, visual art and architecture. They reprenset a new scope of contemporary art, which is difficult to categorise, and they draw on today's most advanced techniques. Though they are based in Kyoto, a city steeped in Japanese traditions, they mostly p…
  • Anousheh Ansari has dreamt of going into outer space since she was a child. A number of years and $20 million later, with the help of the Russian space program, her dream is realized—Ansari becomes the first female space tourist. In recent years, a number of private citizens like Ansari have been willing to endure rigo…
  • 影片讲述了一个典型的罗马尼亚家庭从乡下到城里去领取他们中的大奖。在途中通过高度喜剧化的方式展现了罗马尼亚正经历的经济和社会方面的巨变。然而,这一家人的团结也因为这场原本是一件天大的喜事而遭到严重破坏,再也开心不起来。原来是18岁的女儿赢得了一辆价格不菲的汽车,结果竟然演变成了一场商业广告。一罐果汁,三个标签,让她击败了不…
  • This is a story of three countries, six decades and statelessness. A story about the Urdu-speaking community of Bangladesh.The terms "Urdu-speakers" or "Biharis" are used to refer to Muslim people who originally emigrated from India to the newly created East Pakistan in 1947 and afterwards.Many of t…
  • A personal and poetic account of the pivotal transformation in the life of Rumi - the renowned mystic poet.
  • Kamiya's Correspondence 神谷通信导演: Sumito Sakakibara | 7:00一个女孩给去世多年的母亲写信 安静而温暖的生活点滴制作:the Royal College of Artwww.animation.rca.ac.uk
  • Imam Hasan, his wife Hacer and his daughter Fatma arrive at Karaaðaçli, a small railway village in the middle of the Anatolian wilderness. Besides carrying out the duties of the Iman, Hasan will be teaching religion to the children of the …