- 这是一家可以实现任何愿望的店,只要委托人愿意付出对等的代价。在命运的安排下,有缘人必然会走进这家店里进行委托。高中生四月一日君寻(福山润 配音),有着异于常人的体质,他可以看到并且吸引各种鬼怪。他身边的好友百目鬼(中井和哉 配音)和小葵(伊藤静 配音)都是特殊能力者。原店主壹原侑子消失后,四月一日君寻便接管了这家店,成为…
- Several murders have taken place through out the city of Kolkata. A Serial killer is believed to be responsible. The mods operandi being that the killer always caries out the murder according to verses in Bengali poetry. He leaves behind the verses next to the victim. The police are baffled. There lead detective strugg…
- At first sight, an atmospheric, suitably languid portrait of a young man returning to his home town in North Eastern Thailand from his job in Bangkok to attend a friends’ wedding in the hottest month of the year, Wichanon Somumjarn’s first feature turns into a semi-autobiography, and a journey into the labyrinth of the…
- 普通的上班族长岛千惠(荣仓奈奈 饰)最大愿望就是能够披上婚纱做一个美丽的新娘。她跟赤须太郎(瑛太 饰)在某次展览会上结识并开始交往。在幸福刚刚降临的时候,她却被诊断出了乳腺癌。千惠无法接受这个事实,又不知道怎样向太郎开口。几个月后,千惠向太郎坦白了自己的病情,为了不给太郎添麻烦她选择彻底离开。然而什么也无法阻挡太郎对千惠…