搜索 拉希

  • In late 14th century medieval Serbia becomes the target of Ottoman invaders. One of their renegade gangs burns the castle and takes young wife of Banovic Strahinja, respected Serbian noble. Banovic Strahinja begins long and almost futile quest for her wife despite everybody else's doubts in her fidelity.
  • In an austere and chaotic London, the son of a world-renowned Iraqi writer struggles with his conscience as he plans to publish a book which exploits his assassinated father's name, while wrestling with his unrequited love for his best friend.
  • 剧情片剧情
  • 原文:http://www.cesky-jazyk.cz/ctenarsky-denik/karel-polacek/hostinec-u-kamenneho-stolu.html(谷歌翻译):故事讲的是在风景如画的水桶温泉镇下一块大石头,围绕谁后的老客栈运行在石表看几个主角。书中没有主角,波拉切克更有可能描绘出人类的各种蜡像。它描述了各种人类类型的特点,状似取笑他们和他们的小毛病嘲笑和普通的习惯,每天…
  • 加沙地带冲突期间的某天晚上,五名巴勒斯坦人被困在一间小公寓里。他们之间在政治属性、社会阶级和宗教信仰上都存在差异,因而彼此之间无法接受和团结,这削弱了他们对以色列占领军的抵抗意识
  • 这是一部人物传记片。描写了在伟大卫国战争中,苏联英雄、红军第二师师长萨比尔·拉希莫夫将军在白俄罗斯战线上英勇战斗的故事。
  • When the Shah-era Ministry of Culture asked Ebrahim Golestan for a documentary on Iran’s crown jewels, they didn’t expect an acidic indictment of the regime’s politics. Previously released only in a diluted version, this vanguard masterpi…
  • 在这片风光旖旎的土地上,突尼斯女歌手撒玲娜的演艺事业出现下滑,除此之外她的身世秘密也重见天日。原来撒玲娜的父亲曾经得罪突尼斯黑帮,为了躲避这群国际文物盗窃团伙的威胁,父亲只能抛下当时尚且幼小的撒玲娜,只身藏匿在中国。突尼斯黑帮得知撒玲娜的身份和其父尚在人世的消息后,派出杀手追杀撒玲娜。在躲过一劫之后,撒玲娜终于了解事情…
  • 曾几何时,火焰一族的火柱和怀孕的妻子灯花背井离乡,远渡重洋,来到了元素城开始新的生活。经过十数年的经营,火柱老板的杂货店开得有声有色,而气竭力衰的他也开始琢磨将这家店传给开朗热情却脾气火爆的独生女小焰。在独自筹备某次促销活动时,小焰家的地下室管道出现意外,她也进而邂逅了水一族的青年渡阿波。阿波感性善良,作为市政府检查员…
  • Which a young man desperately tries to make it big with some unlikely allies and a dastardly diabolical plan to pull off the perfect murder.