- In terms of modeling, people tend to only notice the skin-deep presentation, while 'Struggling Girls' is actually about 'choices'. The three main characters represent humanity, bestiality, divinity. Various incidents have also inspired different choices they made. There is no true evil in this film. All characters were…
- 由BOSS直聘、江苏卫视联合出品的职场纪实性观察对谈节目《老板不知道的我 老友季》诚意归来。本季主题为“老友季”,八组老板员工都曾是多年的职场战友,羁绊多、感情深、情感浓、敢直怼。他们并肩多年,他们心照不宣,却依然有一些问题想要直接谈。 在职场里情感关系逐渐单一的趋势下 ,大家逐渐丧失了对工作和工作伙伴投入真情实感的勇气。本…
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