- Scenes from three ballets, staged on the works of Russian classics, immerse the viewer in a fabulous atmosphere. You can watch the story of the noble prince and beauty Odette. The magic spell of the evil sorcerer prevents them from being together. But nothing can stop true love. Further, the story of a young couple of …
- It is a story of love and friendship, proclaiming the triumph of the universal human values. Unaware of the approaching war, Russian and German engineers find themselves united by one common goal at the glass manufacturing plant in USSR.
- "扑通"意为怦然心动,是人们看到喜欢的事物时心脏本能加速跳动的声音,是属于当代年轻人的心动BGM。扑通心动表彰大会,正是基于"让年轻人扑通心动的选择"立意而举办,致力展现属于年轻一代的音乐娱乐焦点:目前本次趋势盛会的助力活动已经在QQ音乐平台上开启,涵盖了"最跨次元哥"、"最A最飒姐&…
- 今日,湖南卫视12.12超拼夜官宣定档,将于12月11日晚7:30在湖南卫视现场直播。12.12超拼夜由李超团队操刀制作,这是2020年末最后一场电商晚会,也是2020超拼夜的收官篇章。晚会将以“我们一起拼”为主题,创新性地以盘点2020年最具幸福感的家乡好物和制造幸福感的人物故事为线索,集结超豪华嘉宾阵容、创新内容设计惊喜呈现,在年末这个特殊时…