搜索 漫漫

  • 《沙丘路漫漫》是苏联里加电影制片厂根据苏联中央电视台的拍片计划,于1980年拍摄的一部七集系列电视故事片。它以拉脱维亚共和国本世纪初至六十年代中期的社会历史变革为背景,以主人公阿尔图尔与玛尔塔数十年悲欢离合的爱情与生活为线索,感人肺腑地揭示了个人的命运与国家、民族的命运息息相关, “有祖国、有爱情、才有幸福”。电视片曾于198…
  • A film about several persons shown in different constellations talking to each other about their inner feelings, relationship problems, future plans, and so on. As the original title ("My slow life") indicates, it is a very slow film with hardly any action at all, more a sequence of still photographs than a m…
  • Emilio y Elisa, una pareja de ex-novios, se reencuentran a la salida de un cine. No se han visto en anos. No saben nada el uno del otro. Caminan y realizan un largo paseo a través de quiénes son, de lo que quieren ser, y de lo que alguna vez fueron juntos.
  • 剧情片生活
    故事发生在二十世纪初期,澳大利亚政府决定实行一项残酷的计划,他们强行将白人与当地土著所生的混血孩子们从亲人身边带走,编入摩尔河营地,通过训练和教化将他们变为廉价劳动力,更妄图用包办婚姻来改变他们那所谓的“低贱血统”。 14岁的莫利(Everlyn Sampi 饰)就是这些孩子中的一员,无法忍受营地里的痛苦生活,勇敢的她决定出逃。和莫利…
  • 喜剧片喜剧
    相传“千门”由伏羲氏创立,在历史中不断演化发展,形成各门各派,涵盖赌术、骗局、易容术、催眠术、中国戏法等等,民国时期最为鼎盛。“千门”技艺概不外传,直到门中一少年为报杀父之仇,开始揭秘各中因果,世人才恍然大悟。\r\n  故事发生在民国时期一个“三不管”的地界,这里三教九流汇集,俨然是一个暗潮汹涌的小江湖。因一场离奇的案件…
  • 喜剧片生活
  • The Culpepper Cattle Co. is a worthy example of a certain kind of early-1970s Western: deglamorized, unromantic, and frankly violent. This one begins in familiar terms, as a greenhorn lad joins a cattle drive, surrendering himself to the extremely focused leadership of boss Frank Culpepper. The episodes that follow are…
  • The fate of the youngest scouts - "Zawiszakow" - as shown through the history of two brothers, their struggle and war exile escaped from the camp jenieckiego, finished back to the devastated capital, where they do not already meet their parents. Brothers Peter and Wojtek found after the collapse of the Warsaw…
  • Not every avenger must set out on a journey with visions of bloody revenge, and not every journey takes place on a galloping horse. But each one offers a solution in the end. An enthralling, philosophizing Western that highlights the timelessness of its ideas as well as the lasting attractions of this versatile genre.