- A down-on-his-luck ex-GI finds himself framed for an armored car robbery. When he's finally released for lack of evidence--after having been beaten up and tortured by the police--he sets out to discover who set him up, and why. The trail leads him into Mexico and a web of hired killers and corrupt cops.
- 《蒙面唱将猜猜猜》是由江苏卫视和灿星制作携手打造的大型音乐悬疑竞猜类真人秀。9月18日起,将在每周日晚20:30于江苏卫视播出。观众期待已久的《蒙面歌王》节目正式更名为《蒙面唱将猜猜猜》全新出发,节目拥有百分之百知识产权。这档拥有全新赛制、阵容的原创音乐节目即将席卷电视荧幕,节目将由李好主持,届时将有30余位艺人蒙面上台献唱,接…
- 从《假面骑士Kuuga》起平成骑士系列的世界融合了!巡游于九个骑士世界,破坏与创造的故事即将拉开序幕!照相馆之女・夏海,梦见了众多假面骑士与谜之敌的交战。为何她能知道敌人的名字为Decade?那种纠葛下,她被楼下住在照相馆的流浪青年・士与客人的纠纷给惊醒。士通过摄影来赚钱,但好像从没拍到过像样的照片, 反而经常把客人们给惹怒。在夏…
- A singing competition guessing game based on Korean format King of Mask Singer. 16 celebrity performers wear costumes to conceal identities. One singer is eliminated each week and unmasked. Small hints are given for the viewer guess along.