- The time is the Russian Revolution. The place is a country burdened with fear - the midnight knock at the door, the bread hidden against famine, the haunted eyes of the fleeing, the grublike fat of the appeasers and oppressors. In a bitter struggle of the individual against the collective, three people stand forth with…
- Lieutenant Mario Ludovici, an army officer, gets himself transferred to a Libyan post when his romance with society girl Cristiana goes on the rocks. Ludovici is looked upon as a weakling by Captain Santelia, the hard-boiled commander of the troops, but after a bitter campaign against a rebel tribe Ludovici proves his …
- 师徒四人途径西梁境地,一进城就感受到阴森之感。后来经过探索,孙悟空发现竟是狐妖作祟,几番周折以后,孙悟空用计策将狐妖捉拿,谁知狐妖竟迷惑猪八戒,使得猪八戒与孙悟空、沙僧相互伤害。不过孙悟空机智化解,最终打死狐妖救出师傅,重新上路!