- SYNOPSISUrgently called, the police inspector has arrived in a hotel, and didn't find any crime, but noticed some strangenesses occurring there. He has decided to leave, but a snow avalanche is crushed in the mountains, making it impossible for him to leave. Soon, inspector has found a body of a dead lodger. Everyone w…
- 金翅雕因为作恶多端而被封印在高塔之中上千年,为了恢复昔日的邪恶力量,利用月食之夜复活了蛇蝎二妖,利用法力将葫芦山分崩离析,向七个方位飞去。 金翅雕命令蛇蝎寻找葫芦七兄弟练成七心丹帮助自己解除封印,重获法力和自由。蛇蝎二妖在它的帮助下拥有了更为强大的法力,发誓要找到七兄弟报镇压之仇,于是派出了妖怪头领计划将葫芦兄弟逐个攻…