- When Bessie Faro's husband Johnny dies in a plane crash in Veracruz, Mexico, she finds that his air cargo business is deeply in the red. When she visits the airline's terminal in Veracruz, she discovers her husband was pumping large amounts of money into bank accounts all over the world. As she begins systematically re…
- Pornhub 是互联网最著名的成人娱乐平台,从根本上改变了色情内容的制作和传播方式。这使得该公司赚取了数十亿美元,同时色情内容创作者也能够接触到大量观众。但该公司也遭到了众多指控,其中包括使用未经同意的内容和在网站上进行人口贩卖等。在反人口贩卖组织为受害者伸张正义之际,这家网络巨头能否保护它的摇钱树,又或者说这是针对成人表演…