The Next Cassavetes上映信息

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电影The Next Cassavetes于2023年06月11日上映

    The Next Cassavetes基本信息

    片名:The Next Cassavetes




    The Next Cassavetes主演


    The Next Cassavetes剧情简介

    The protagonist is Stefan Lysenko, who started strong in his 20 year acting career but eventually fizzled out, turning into a B movie actor. Frustrated, he turns to making his own shoestring-budget movies, which have led only to debt. Long a fan of John Cassavetes and now living in the apartment where John shot a crucial scene from the movie "Minnie and Moskowiz", Stefan embarks on a quest to re-make the 1971 classic, using locations already at his disposal, in an effort to re-introduce Cassavetes to the public...but it's a fool's errand and he will turn into Don Quiote, tilting at windmills.