Ti, kterí tancí ve tme上映信息

Ti, kterí tancí ve tme什么时候上映(上映时间)

电影Ti, kterí tancí ve tme于2022年10月19日上映

    Ti, kterí tancí ve tme基本信息

    片名:Ti, kterí tancí ve tme

    别名:Those Who Dance in the Dark,Ci, którzy tańczą w ciemności



    Ti, kterí tancí ve tme主演

    Ti, kterí tancí ve tme剧情简介

    Blindness has a thousand shades. We who are sighted see only one… The human will to overcome the limitations of varying degrees of blindness. Breaking up. Yearning for a life with someone else, someone to love and to touch. Dancing in one spot and in the dark. Dreams and reality. Simple stories can hide complicated fates and grand dramas. The characters’ energy and spontaneity is captivating and full of optimism. Empathy without sentimentality. The basic conundrum: how to show blindness through images. The black-and-white camera is focused on light and shadow, composition, and the protagonists’ movements as they navigate their surroundings. The music, complemented by expressively stylised sounds, immerses the viewer into the inner worlds of these six characters. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, never fear: a lyric from one of the songs becomes the film’s central message.