- Музична казка про молодого коваля Михайла, який у пошуках щастя по дорозі на Січ зробив багато добрих справ. Закохався в красуню Лесю, він звільнив від чар її брата та саму ді…
- This story has happened in Moscow of today to an archaeologist Alexei - a scientist working for a Doctor's degree, a charming young man with a southern blood in his veins. One fine day his rather quiet and happy life was ruined by an accident: his younger brother perished in one of the "hot places" where he, …
- The title of Andriy Donchyk's feature film Oxygen Starvation offers a fitting metaphor for what happened to Ukrainian film-making after the collapse of the USSR. Contrary to widespread expectations, freedom from Soviet oppression did not usher in a renaissance in Ukraine. The momentum of totalitarianism persisted in al…