- 20世纪60年代,从战争阴影中走出的日本进入复苏的第十个年头,而社会也有此进入动荡不安的阶段,各种思潮激烈碰撞,人人都在时代的迷雾中失去方向。在共产主义思想蔚然成风之际,推崇新民主主义的学生持丸博(涉川清彦 饰)、森田必胜(满岛真之介 饰)等人走到一起。以此为契机,他们结识了业已成名的战后日本文学界代表人物三岛由纪夫(井浦新…
- This BBC produced documentary about Yukio Mishima highlights the many known major aspects of his life and personality. Mishima was a pen name he adopted en route to his chosen life as a writer. He eventually became recognized as one of Japan's most prolific post-World War II writers, producing stories, plays and novels…