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  • 对这部纪录片的男主角,说起来都是泪啊。女盆友因为他的丁丁太小,拒绝了他的求婚,从此他就赴世界各地调查尺寸、文化与性和谐的关系,到底丁丁多大才性福,从此他就成了丁丁学霸。
  • 对许多男同志来说,讲话的声调可能会令他们不安。不过对一般人而言,到底怎样的讲话方式听起来很Gay?电视电影又如何塑造出同志口音给人的刻板印象?本片导演大卫·索普在矫正自己声音的爆笑过程之余,也访问了众多名人的观点,如《天桥骄子》主持人蒂姆·古恩、《星际旅行》竹井乔治、CNN主播唐·莱蒙及喜剧明星赵牡丹等。究竟这难以摆脱的“气…
  • 解释一切第一季
    Explained: A Netflix OriginalPlay Latest TrailerExplained2018 PG 1 SeasonThis enlightening series from Vox digs into a wide range o f topics such as the rise of cryptocurrency, why diets fail, and the wild world of K-pop.Genres: TV Programmes, American Programmes, US TV Documentaries, Documentary Programmes, Documentar…
  • In 1995, Andy Blubaugh—then a curious and lonely fifteen-year-old—began a sexual relationship with Peter, a successful, deeply closeted man who was nearly twice his age.In 2010, Andy now a filmmaker and teacher, revisited this complex rela…