搜索 倖月美和

  • 在车站目送明彦的远去,心里当然不是滋味...几通电话后,这个心急的女孩竟然也跑到pia4号店来打工(不知道她是怎么死缠滥打过来的),人家刚来,自然要带人家到处走走看,一个篮球勾起Sayaka的回忆...渐渐的,Sayaka已适应美崎町得打工生活,为了答谢明彦的带领,Sayaka每天都给他作早饭(看到她很高兴的样子,实在是不忍心回答吃后真实想法)。…
  • Manami left home 6 years ago, away she found a pendant that was said to follow a promise between two lovers. Now back home after six years, she finds her friends and her true love, however, bad things keep happening to her and the people around her.