- 时代的流淌逐渐泛起波澜。 乱世中,为野心而养精促锐者、企一展雄图者、为该守护之物而战斗者…… 这样,拥有不同梦想的人被命运的蚕丝牵结。 缔结成姊妹的关羽和张飞。 究竟,有何物在其前行之路上等待着呢? “吾名为关羽。与吾一起平定此乱世吧!”by:m.yakubd.cc
- 新学期开始,美墨渚和雪城穗乃香成为菲诺奈学院女子中学部三年级学生,过着普通女孩的校园生活。而梅普鲁、米普鲁和保伦在上次战斗后陷入了漫长的沉睡。此时,在光之园,在激战后受了伤的女王分裂成数个部分,消失在远处。与此同时,渚和穗乃香遭到了萨凯那的袭击。突然,梅普鲁和米普鲁苏醒过来,两人使用新的变身器再一次变身成为“光之美少女…
- By mixing several different magic spells, Watarase Jun is turned into an actual girl and starts to experience an unusual spike in popularity from the guys at school. Due to Jun's transformation, she has more charm than any other normal girl has, which makes all the boys lose their senses and they start chasing after Ju…