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  • 年輕的破產管理人夏洛特對職場和生活都充滿企圖心,年底時,公司派她去瑞典關閉一間賠錢多年的法國公司,這間公司專門製造木製玩具。這項任務預計幾天內就能完成,夏洛特將可回家過聖誕節。抵達瑞典後,她認識了該公司執行長馬歇爾,他充滿夢想但不善於經營公司,同時還忙著撫養過世的姐姐的孩子。已經不相信真愛的夏洛特逐漸被馬歇爾感動,一時…
  • Two ten-year-old children, Gloria and Jacques, meet at the former's birthday party. It is love at first sight and they vow eternal love. Unfortunately, the First World War breaks out and they are separated. The people around them do not understand the deep feelings that link them to each other. When they meet again aft…
  • 贝冷是一名工人,酷爱足球,由于他当众侮辱了厂长兼足球俱乐部主任,被工厂开除了。失业后,他与流落街头的外籍工人一起,当清洁工。某晚,偶然中他与一个阔小姐相遇。在谁也没有确切证据的情况下,他被指控强奸妇女,拘留在看守所待审......