- In the year of 1996, the Soshiki organisation led by Adel, was crushed by the hands of Eiji, Kayin and Ellis. After the Soshiki's reign of terror, all was thought to end the one-on-one battles. It was all a legend, until now. Now, in the year 2006, Eiji learned of some sacred weapons that could bring him all the power …
- 君望外传热血具有扩张力的粗直线,长的酷似流 龙马的白痴棒球男主角藏匿在学校内部的大型人型兵器各太因,挂着假面的野牛空母.........推荐大家(特别是欣赏过君望的朋友们)看一下,04年11月25日发售的第一卷入手后,整体给人类似FMP FUMAFU的外传性质,浓厚的校园气息以及KUSO成分仍然是这类作品的卖点,但是比起哀伤节奏较强的君望本作无疑给…