- 专攻刑事案件的律师深山大翔(松本润 饰),热衷以其独有的方式调查案件中不为人所察觉的隐秘真相。当调查陷入僵局时,他就一边做着心爱的料理,一边梳理案件中的线索头绪,并凭借敏锐的观察力和推断力直捣黄龙。某天,在业内享有极高盛名的斑目律师事务所社长(岸部一德 饰)向大翔伸来橄榄枝,邀请他加入所内新成立的刑事专门办公室。坐镇该办…
- Komori Tiaki is a budding tennis student, however, one day in training her coach hits the ball into her eye accidentally. She is taken to hospital but it advised that she will never regain the sight in her eye. Her coach knows of a mysterious doctor ‘Blackjack’ who lives in a secluded house, who might be able to help. …