搜索 康照明

  • A man with disfigured arms (and a pet chimpanzee) wanders across the countryside, eventually intruding on a man with--well, I'm not quite sure what the second guy is suffering from. We're supposed to think he has no legs, but he clearly has them folded together--so perhaps he's actually paralyzed below the waist and so…
  • 动作片
    導演:羅熾  動作設計:陳木川  演員:陳木川.李中堅.馬場.康照明.沈松村.張宗貴.項美龍.戴良.胖三.裴德雲  台灣世紀cult片王followers必睇之作  天殘地缺套戲太cult啦,佢個戲名改得十分貼切,戲中兩個殘缺主角,一個俾大奸角斬斷雙手,竟然會生番一隻小手仔出黎。另一個俾大奸角用腐蝕既液體廢左雙腳,以前有D咁勁揪既腐蝕極毒液體,…