搜索 神崎詩織

  • The movie starts with the Sazer-X playing basketball. All of a sudden a flash of lightning strikes the earth. They headed for it, and discovered a boy. The boy was Riki, who assumed to forget everything. On the other hand, Remy informs the Sazer-X that a giant monster, 'Mecha Giant Beast Bulgario', had approached the E…
  • 碧海蓝天,在这个平静的日子里,来自某大学的电影同好小组的成员们登陆某无人小岛,准备拍摄一部独立影片。担任女主角的是已经开展演员事业的现役高中生高田里穗。在这个不通水电并且完全没有手机和网络信号的孤岛,影片的摄制工作如期举行。虽然这一过程中遇到许多困难和阻碍,好在顺利地完成了拍摄任务。然而到了第二天,向导却没有如约驾驶小…