搜索 纳塔莉・德赛

  • 剧情片爱情
    第一次世界大战期间,战事胶着而残酷,不同阶层的人不断的卷入到战争的漩涡之中,徘徊在死亡的边缘。终于,平安夜来临。德国、法国和苏格兰军营宣布在圣诞之夜停战,相互约定度过一个和平安详的圣诞节。每个人都放下了手中的武器,手执蜡烛,互道“圣诞快乐”。应征入伍的德国男高音歌手斯普林克(本诺·福尔曼 Benno Fuehrmann饰)的女友安娜(…
  • 动漫动画
  • The emotionally fragile Lucia is driven to madness when manipulated to marry a man she does not love. Featuring the most famous mad scene in the repertory and full of ravishingly beautiful melodies, this timeless bel canto masterpiece evokes the passion and desperation of a woman used by her brother as a political pawn…
  • 十九世纪末正是巴黎的“美好年代”,新艺术百花齐放,新技术层出不穷,在这黄金盛世的背后却传出一连串女童被拐骗的声音,见义勇为的混血小公主迪丽丽和好友快递员踏上幻险旅程,穿梭于巴黎的各处名筑和大街小巷,拯救被困女童,途中邂逅居里夫人,毕加索,马蹄斯,罗特利特,莫奈,普鲁斯特,莎拉·波恩沙特,等众多时代天才名人,并得以慷慨相…
  • A little boy Anatole lives in 1960s in the steppe in Kazakhstan with his parents-archaeologists. One day he witnesses the accidental death of his brother, this drama traumatizes the boy so much that he loses his ability to speak. Once he meets an old Kazakh who will teach him to hear again the world around him and will…