搜索 赫克托·诺圭拉

  • After fleeing Europe for Uruguay during WWII, Jacob Kaplan built a quiet life. Now 76, he begins to question his worth. After learning of a mysterious German prowling the shores of a nearby beach, he becomes convinced that he's found a Nazi in hiding and plans to expose him. Expertly distilling a potent mixture of emot…
  • 影片主人公何塞从小受尽剥削,从未尝过被爱的滋味。在残忍杀害一名名叫罗萨和好心妇女和她的三个女儿之后,他被关进了监狱。在那里,他踢起同伴传过来了的皮球,生平第一次学会了微笑。在那里,他还学会了认字、编织甚至亲手做了一把价值不菲的小提琴。在牧师的帮助下,何塞诚心悔过,并且祈求得到总统的宽恕,哪怕是做一辈子牢,他也终于有机会…