- London Paris New York is a film that captures the angst of the twenties, the most dramatic period of one's life - when you have to find a career; you have your first significant relationship and most importantly form your identity in this world.This is story about Lalitha, a middle class south Indian girl from Chembur …
- 电影导演库什(伊姆兰汗 Imran Khan 饰)在兄弟白赛博(阿里?札法 Ali Zafar 饰)的请求下从伦敦飞回印度寻觅合适的结婚对象。然而一次又一次的相亲见面不仅未能让他替兄弟寻觅到佳偶,反而遇到了一系列的怪人怪事。无奈下,库什在报纸上为白赛博刊登了大幅的征婚广告,在被各种来电询问骚扰的焦头烂额的时候,他终于接到了一个非常合心意的电话…