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  • 影片以一个真实消费维权案例为原型,讲述了一位消费者因购买使用了劣质轮胎引发交通事故,但经销商拒不理赔,消费者投诉至消费者协会,后经工商局和公安局全力追查,抓获并依法惩处了轮胎供应商,消费者也因此获得了应有的赔偿。
  • L'Amour is the story of an elderly couple who have lived through pain and agony. Of their three sons, one committed suicide, one immigrated, and one ran away from home. The husband was once a two-star general with a promising future, but his decision not to join a coup d' tat would eventually lead to his dishonorable d…