搜索 Abdelhadi

  • 一對年輕戀人,女孩從事幫傭,男孩在商場擔任警衛,雖然經濟困頓但仍決定結婚,然而一次不幸意外改變了他們的生活。語言:阿拉伯語、法語      新婚夫婦阿布德凱德和瑪莉卡住在摩納哥梅克內斯市,因為入不敷出而住在爸媽家,他們夢想早日搬出來,過自己的生活,但阿布德凱德在工作崗位碰到一樁暴力事件,兩人的命運從此天翻地覆。《瓦盧比利…
  • The film concerns to men in their early twenties, Hachemi and Farfat, who live in the Tunisian city of Sfax. Hachemi, a carpenter is under a lot of stress because he is about to be married to a woman he is not in love with in an arranged marriage. Farfat is the victim of disparaging graffiti painted on wall around thei…
  • To make Daoud Aoulad-Syad’s previous film, En attendant Pasolini, sets were built on plots rented from those living in the village. A mosque was erected on the plot belonging to Moha, one of the neighbors. When they finished shooting, the …
  • Eleven-year-old Tibor has only one friend: his house robot, T.I.M. When his father replaces the out-of-date robot, Tibor saves it from destruction. He sets out in search of the only one who can repair T.I.M.: the mythic robot maker Hector Sammler. During the adventurous quest through an unknown world however, T.I.M. sl…
  • 剧情片生活
    卢卡斯、朱利叶斯、吉诺和桑切斯四位好朋友正努力在毒品、帮派、说唱、暴力和无聊之间度过柏林新克尔恩的日常生活。 直到有一天,他们因为某个死定的计划而做出了一项具有严重后果的严肃决定。