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  •   A witness under police escort is attacked. A policewoman, the only one who survives, is sheltered by indigenous people, but assailants hunt her down... An action thriller set in Bataan.
  •   本片是2014年爆款动作片《走到尽头》的菲律宾翻拍版。讲述警察爱德蒙·威廉在匆忙奔丧的路上意外撞人,随后卷入被敲诈勒索的危险局面。在动作片领域有专攻的菲律宾导演劳伦斯·法哈多,在本片中对节奏拿捏精准,不仅故事环环相扣惊险刺激,室内打斗动作更是迅猛凌厉,让观众肾上腺素飙升。他还为影片加上了大量本土化背景,以犯罪片的形式对…
  • 剧情片犯罪
  • Apolinario dela Cruz, known as Hermano Puli, was shot and quartered on November 4,1841-three decades before the execution of the GOMBURZA. Among all of the Filipino heroes, Hermano Puli stands alone for leading the only revolt against the Spanish colonial government in the name of religious freedom. This film sheds lig…
  • The life story of the first Philippine President. The story of the man who led the Filipino people to victory against its Spanish conquerors.
  • 菲律宾的一场暗杀被跆拳道运动员克里斯蒂(Christy)拍摄下来,导致她死于意图破坏和平谈判的激进分子之手。她的姐姐凯特(Kat)是洛杉矶的一名警官,她来到马尼拉,试图将凶手绳之以法。她进入跆拳道锦标赛,以接近邪恶的代理人,并开始解开扭曲的计划,同时侥幸逃脱死亡旅的愤怒。
  • 恐怖分子绑架了一位有力的美国参议院议员,而且在逃跑中,指挥官上将托马斯,其下属们潜入敌人的领土中
  • 越战末期,美军开始撤退行动,韩德森一队奉命接一个战争英雄蓝恩,他们搭著巡逻艇一站一站的通过北越共军的火网;却在最后一个关卡,艇上中弹进水,船长下令丢弃不用物资。丢到□后一个箱子时,蓝恩却出面阻止,原来那个箱子里装著他夺来的黄金。众人此时终于知道了蓝恩的真面目……
  • Dana, a professional blogger lives in an apartment unit next to the new tenants, live-in partners Billy and Sara.Quite attractive, Dana arouses a red-hot desired in Billy.But she has the hots for the equally voluptous Sara.With raging libidos, they make an outrageous deal.If Dana will give Billy a night of passionate s…
  • 12岁的小男孩赫克托在母亲死后来到了住在马尼拉的外婆家里。他与外婆从未见过面。不久他认识了邻家女孩赛尔和街头混混米盖尔。赫克托十分想融入到这个新的环境中去,于是加入了米盖尔一伙。一天晚上,他在入室盗窃时被乔斯逮个正着,那晚,他的生活发生了改变……Following his mother's death, Hector arrives in Manila to…