搜索 Alvariño

  • It's a heartwarming tale about Mayito, a young boy whose wealthy jazz pianist father (is that an oxymoron?) showers him with the latest PlayStation games. Accustomed to being driven to school with a TV in the car, he is the epitome of the successful student who does everything proper and usually receives whatever he wa…
  • 这部影片是根据古巴作家温迪•格拉的同名自传体小说拍摄,小说已被译成五种语言出版。故事发生在80年代,古巴遭受最糟糕的经济危机时期。小雪,一名8岁的古巴女孩,卷入了她父母争夺她抚养权的激烈争斗中。她的母亲伊娃,一个坚信无审查制度无独裁主义改革的自由艺术家,改嫁给了丹,一个在核电厂做建筑工作的瑞典人。小雪的生父马努埃尔,一个…