搜索 Alvigini

  • 音乐教授翁贝托一辈子勤勤恳恳,任劳任怨,即使在学校经费紧张的时候,他也坚持工作。可没想到的是,新校长一上任,他的噩梦就开始了。他居然被开除了,想起孤苦伶仃的自己现在连最后一点微薄的工资都没有了,翁贝托难过极了,他再没有钱为他心爱的小狗戴利克买东西吃了。在回家的路上,一场车祸让翁贝托意外地获得了一箱钻石,虽然他自己并不知…
  • Remo Guerra is a policeman with a double life, who at night with a group of thugs, who he occasionally meets in bars, raids rich people's houses in Rome. Because of his hate for discipline he is soon dismissed from the force and he can continue his criminal life full time. One night he gets arrested and spends 3 years …