- 「它可以在二百或五百年前的非洲村莊發生,也可以是兩天以後的真人真事。」導演說。Taafe Fanga的意思本是「纏腰布的力量」,而纏腰布就是故事發生的地方的傳統成年婦女服飾。一個現代的說唱人在唱古老的故事,由一個女觀眾爭一個男子坐席的位置引發,把這個民間故事帶出來。故事發生在一條農村。村子裡從來都是男尊女卑,男的樵獵女的作家事,…
- Hamalla is banished from his village in Mali, due to ancient prejudices. He returns four years later versed in modern technology at a time in which the village's future hangs on the brink as the holy well of the ancestors, symbol of the spirituality of the entire community, is contaminated. In the face of epidemic, Ham…